Best Practices With Dark UI In Web Design

Best Practices With Dark UI In Web Design eBuilderz featured image

Dark UI is an elegant, impressive, and striking presentation. It should therefore come as no surprise that it has become vastly popular all over the internet. The growing popularity will tempt many designers to join the trend. Still, before doing so, they need to understand how dark mode should be properly designed and implemented and what attributes should and should not be applied in its use.

Ultimately, for a design to be successful, it must focus on generating the look and feel. Still, the presentation varies based on the website, the audience it aims to reach, and the product or service it is trying to sell. In some cases, a dark mode UI might be just what the website needs, but on the other hand, a certain dark mode could have the opposite of the desired effect.

Whether you’re a self-employed web designer or work in one of the top companies specializing in UI design, it’s crucial to understand modern trends. Dark UI is one of the most popular web design trends today, so if you neglect it, you may be left in the dust of your competitors. Just make sure you understand this one thing: web design agencies and web designers worldwide are taking advantage of this trend because it helps create some novel and exciting user experiences.

Let’s explore some design practices that websites use when implementing a dark mode UI. This should help increase understanding of how to more effectively use dark mode in your upcoming design initiatives.

Use Negative Space

Dark mode intends to exude the feeling of ‘heaviness’ accomplished by using negative space, a term used to define the space around the design’s existing elements. In a typical design, this ‘white space’ may not be thought of as particularly important, but it is pivotal when designing using dark mode UI.

That is because white space’ is the visual tool that defines the layout, organization, and hierarchy of a design, serving as a powerful navigational tool for viewers. It also serves as an essential means of resting one’s eyes. For those reasons, achieving the perfectly balanced ratio between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ spaces is essential to effective and tidy designs.

Human minds are naturally drawn to elements with ample negative space around them as it triggers the sense of the element’s importance and richness. The element with lots of negative space is subconsciously interpreted as being grouped separately from other elements due to its importance, instinctively drawing eyes to it.

For this reason, the balancing of positive and negative spaces can be the difference between a successful or a failed design. Designers need to consider the relationship between multiple letters or elements on display and how much breathing room’ each one needs. However, while lack of ample negative space will make a design look clunky and crowded, it is vital to remember that using excessive negative space will give the design a look of incompletion.

Enhancing Visual Content

Dark mode best practices are overall tailored around providing emphasis on the visual content. The dark mode is great when used with websites aimed at capturing the viewer’s attention as the heaviness of darker background make the elements present on the page ‘pop,’ helping to pull the viewer’s eyes to visuals of various colors and shapes, graphics, images or videos present on the site set against the high-contrast backdrop.

Color is one of the most effective methods in contrasting the elements present from the rest of the page. Brighter and lighter elements stand out more against dark backgrounds, which controls the design’s visual hierarchy by demanding the viewers focus their eyes on the elements first and foremost. A well-designed site using dark mode should seamlessly guide the viewer’s eyes to the important elements.

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Boost Emotional Branding

Aside from helping the page not look cluttered, a dark mode UI’s use of negative space can also invoke a strong emotional response. One of the reasons has to do with the psychological aspects of color, with each one invoking a different psychological response from viewers. These responses trigger a particular set of feelings, which direct the viewer’s emotions. These emotions will be a significant factor in any decisions that the viewer makes while at the site.

This has been an area of study, with research finding that black color is commonly linked to perceptions of power, authority, stability, and exude strength. Alongside power and control, black is also linked with symbolizing independence, drama, intelligence, sophistication, mystery, and elegance. As its power convention cannot be understated, black is a powerful color used as a background to contrast and encourage large, high-contrast imagery, yielding stunning visual results.

Whether most viewers recognize it or not, this type of strategy is commonly used to set the mood on many entertainment and product selling websites. While the dark mode is a very effective strategy, it is imperative to use it and pair it with those color schemes that evoke the image that the site’s brand wants to be associated with.

Boost the Site’s Usability

Dark mode can also be effectively used in enhancing the user-friendliness of application design. Many apps are designed for heavy nighttime use and therefore operate more effectively with a dark color scheme that helps reduce eye strain and fatigue. This is one of the primary reasons Amazon Prime, Netflix, and other entertainment apps, make heavy use of dark mode UIs. Some apps, like Google Maps, automatically toggle to dark mode during the nighttime hours, while many other apps present users with preference or settings options that include switching to dark mode manually.

Apps and sites that aim to showcase images typically use dark mode more often. For instance, Spotify uses a dark background to accentuate the high-resolution album covers, much like Netflix sets crisp movie and show graphics against a dark palette to make them stand out.

However, nighttime usability is certainly not the only reason for dark mode utilization. Dark mode use is easier on the eyes in terms of strain.

With people spending an increasing amount of time in front of screens and the well-known effects of blue light on health, eye-sight, and sleep, it makes dark modes more useful in mitigating those effects.

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Other Benefits Of Dark Mode

Using dark background to promote lighter color display on sites is just one beneficial aspect of dark mode. Relief of eye strain and limiting blue light emission on a user’s eyes is another. Some other benefits of dark mode use include:

  • Improved focus
  • Enhanced concentration
  • Better contrast

If a site anticipates that viewers will use it for extended periods continuously, leveraging dark mode will help relieve the strain on the eyes, a reason why dark themes are popularly used in financial apps and code editors.

Check Out the Quick Video Review On Practices With Dark UI In Web Design

Source: Flux


Dark mode isn’t anything new. Some sites started to use manual dark themes many years ago by simply adding a tiny control switch to one of the top corners on a page. But this year, big native apps for both desktop and mobile platforms have already started adopting an additional dark theme (or, depending on the default theme, it could be a light one) after all the major platforms have added a dark mode.

Simultaneously, dark themes also fit in perfectly with other major web design trends that involve moody and dark color patterns with glowing neon colors and various futuristic styles.

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How to Build an eCommerce Website Using Zyro

How to Build an eCommerce Website Using Zyro eBuilderz featured image

You want to start an online store, and from all the various choices of eCommerce builders out there, you’ve decided to use Zyro.

Now you’re looking for a guide on how to make an online store using Zyro. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll explain what features make Zyro different from other eCommerce builders. I’ll also give an easy step-by-step guide to create an online store using Zyro.

Let’s get started.

What Makes Zyro Different?

Zyro is an easy to use website builder that allows you to create aesthetically pleasing online stores and websites quickly and easily. What makes Zyro unique is their AI-driven tools, meaning they use various AI tools to assist you when making an online store.

Here are some of the AI tools that Zyro provide:

  • Business name generator.
  • AI writer.
  • Logo maker.
  • AI heatmap.
  • Slogan generator.

Not just AI tools, Zyro also provide various more features to make creating a website more comfortable, which are:

  • Drag-and-drop editor.
  • Designer-made templates.
  • Marketplace integration.
  • Social media integration.
  • Search engine optimization integration.
  • Included SSL certificate.

Adding to that, when you build a website using Zyro and pick a plan you want, the domain name and hosting you’ll need to run a website is all-inclusive.

Now, let’s take a look at how to build your store using Zyro.

1. Decide on Your eCommerce Business Model

Your eCommerce business model essentially explains how you intend to make money. There are plenty of business models out there, but here I’ll instead explain the four basic business models that you can consider as a beginner.

1.   Product/Service – A business will make and sell its products and services. This is the most common model used by companies because it is the most straightforward to do.

2.   Reseller – A business purchases products or services and resale them for a profit. Affiliate marketing falls into this category.

3.   Broker – A business that focuses on bringing buyers and sellers together and take a transaction fee. For example, real estate agents or Fiverr, a place to find freelancers.

4. Aggregator – It’s a network model where you gather service providers under one brand name. Examples include Uber and Oyo.

2. Head Over to Zyro and Choose an eCommerce Plan

Once you have a business model, pick an eCommerce plan for your business. Zyro offers two different plans that focus on the online store, which are eCommerce and eCommerce Plus. You can see the difference between them below:

Create Online Store-Choose Ecommerce Plan


Click here to check out the full list.

Most businesses will find the eCommerce plan sufficient for them, and I would recommend you to use it as a starting point. You can always easily upgrade to their Plus plan when your business grows.

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3. Register Your Domain Name

The next step is to register your domain name. It’s the address of your website which people will use to type in their browser URL bar.

Since you already picked an eCommerce plan, you can register your domain name for free. But you need to keep in mind a couple of things when creating your domain name to reflect your brand and business.

Here are some tips when choosing the right domain name:

  • Keep it simple – Avoid using numbers, hyphens, and doubled letters.
  • Make it recognizable and brandable.
  • Try including a keyword.
  • Use a country domain if you’re aiming for a local market.

Great domain names aren’t available for a long time, so once you found a domain name that fits, you should immediately register it.

Create Online Store-Domain Name generator

But if your domain name is already registered by someone else, worry not. You can use Zyro’s domain name generator to give you new domain name ideas. All you need to do is type in a keyword or two, and the generator will provide domain name suggestions for you to pick.

4. Pick a Template

Now you can pick a template from the various types that Zyro offers. Here are a few examples of Zyro’s designer-made eCommerce templates.

1.   Tixly

Create Online Store-Tixly

2.   Haven

Create Online Store-Haven

3.   Safa

Create Online Store-Safa

There are two main things to consider when choosing a template, which is design and features. Design refers to the layout and appearance of the template. Does it suit your brand? Features refer to the functionality that the template can provide.

With Zyro, besides picking various kinds of templates, you can also add new features to your site by clicking on the Add Elements button on the top of the page. Thus versatility is another thing that Zyro offers.

5. Customize Your Website

Now is the part where you can customize your website to your liking. Here, Zyro’s tools are a big help for you.

Create Online Store-Customize Your Website

The AI heatmap tool can accurately predict how your potential visitors will see and navigate your page. Thus, using the AI heatmap, you can arrange the elements on your site to maximize conversions based on which sections the readers will see first.

Zyro also has Unsplash integration. This means you can get thousands of free high-quality images you need to design your site.

You can also edit your mobile site separately from your desktop. Typically, Zyro will optimize it for you, but you can also customize it to your liking.

6. Upload Products and Content

The next step is to upload your products and fill your site with content.

The AI writer can be beneficial, especially when creating the first content on your site. You can just type in a few keywords and click on the categories you prefer; then, the AI writer will create search engine optimized content.

Since all of the templates are already optimized for search engines, you can just upload your products on the template’s product catalog and write down the product descriptions to describe the product’s benefits and features.

7. Configure Payment and Shipping

One of the reasons potential customers leave online stores is due to a lengthy and complicated checkout process. Luckily, since Zyro’s templates are all optimized already, you don’t need to worry about it. You can just straight away configure the payment and shipping options.

Included in Zyro’s eCommerce plans are 50 different payment methods, from PayPal to credit cards. So you can have all of the options on the checkout page for faster transaction.

When it comes to shipping, Zyro also supports plenty of major carriers like FedEx and UPS. It also gives access for you to add or block other shipping options. This allows buyers to pick the shipping method they’re most comfortable with.

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8. Launch

Once everything is in place, you can go ahead and launch your new online store. But remember, people aren’t just going to come to your site. You need to run some promotions.

Zyro makes it easy to apply discount codes and coupons directly to your cart. It’ll even promote the discounts as visitors are scrolling through your site, thus increasing sales chances.

Buyers can also easily buy and apply gift cards from your site. Thus a customer can give a gift card to their friends, which they can then use when they’re shopping at your store.

9. Sell on Other Online Marketplaces

To get traffic faster and increase conversions while also reaching a wider audience, you should also sell and promote your products to other online marketplaces.

Zyro has the feature that allows you to sell on eBay, Amazon, Facebook marketplace, and various other online marketplaces directly from your site. You can also manage your stock using their integrated stock management system, making it simple to monitor your inventory and sales from various platforms.

All of this can be directly managed from Zyro’s dashboard.

10. Market Your New eCommerce Store

Simply promoting your store by providing coupons, discounts, and gift cards may not be enough. To help with marketing, you can use Zyro’s automated tailor-made ads on Google Shopping and Facebook.

Zyro also has social media and email list integration, giving you easy access to promote your site through your social media accounts and existing email list by just a couple of clicks.

Check Out the Quick Video Review On Build an eCommerce Website Using Zyro

Source: Sam Dey


Now you know what makes Zyro different from the rest, as well as the steps to create an online store using it. All that’s left to do is start building your online store.

Remember to thoroughly research your business model before starting and taking your time when choosing your site’s right template. You can preview the templates and see how they behave. Good luck!

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6 Features to Consider for Your Next Mobile App

6 Features to Consider for Your Next Mobile App eBuilderz featured image

You have a lot of competition in the market for mobile apps. Whether you are working on iPhone app development or Android, you need to build an app that meets users’ needs while also delivering a good experience. If users are not satisfied, they know that there is probably another app they can switch to.

One step toward building the best mobile app is to consider which features you will include and which you will not. In this post, we would like to look at six features to consider when you build a mobile app.

Mobile App

Intuitive User Interface

Users shouldn’t feel like they need training to use your app. They want to open it and be able to achieve their goals without having to think about it. If you want to succeed with your next app, you should put significant time into developing an intuitive user interface.

Beyond knowing what you want users to do with your app, you need to know what they want to achieve when using an app like yours. Try to make controls and navigation simple and easy to understand. Test the app to make sure it performs well and that it is easy to use.

Push Notifications

Sending notifications can be one of the best ways to connect with consumers and drive engagement. You can use them to inform customers of new features, promote sales or provide important news about your company. If you are building a mobile app, you need to develop a plan for using push notifications.

See More: How to Create Easy Notification Bars for Your Website

Augmented Reality

Using Augmented Reality can be a good way to take a simple mobile app and make it much more dynamic. With AR features, you can provide features that can let customers do things like virtually try on clothes, view objects in their surroundings through the screen of their device, or customize products in a way that lets them see the way it will look when it is finished.

Security Features

Mobile app security has never been more important than it is now. Consumers trust apps with their data, and they use apps for a wide array of financial transactions. If you want people to trust your app, you will need to implement a range of security features when you develop your app.

You will need to use strong encryption to protect customer data in the app. You should also have secure sign-in features and require verification for any sensitive transactions. You should also consider two-factor authentication as a way to create an extra layer of security for your users.

Social Media Integration

Social media integration can offer a lot of benefits for app developers and the users of the app. First, you can enable features that allow users to sign-in or create an accounting using their social media accounts. This makes the onboarding process easier, and it can eliminate a barrier that may cause some users to avoid signing up for an account.

As another benefit, you can enable social media features in the app. With social media integration, you can provide users with options to like, share, and post about your products from the app.

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feedback system can be good for helping your brand build credibility with users. Along with that, it can also be a way to gain valuable insights that will help you improve your app. Consider creating a system for reporting bugs and features that are not performing as intended. Encourage customers to share their opinions of the app and suggest features they want.

Check Out the Quick Video Review On Features to Consider for Your Next Mobile App

Source: Google Cloud Platform


Mobile device users have high expectations for the apps they will install on their phones and tablets. If your app does not meet their expectations, they will probably uninstall and forget about it. With these six features, you can do a lot to build a better app and meet consumers’ expectations.

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